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Campus Highlights.



Thursday, November 8, 2007

Your Sincerely Fika Mathe

By Fika Mathe

Eita gents couldn't wait any longer. This is an interesting but very controversial issue, it needs critical thinking when dealing with. It is surprising that some girls and guys manage to sleep with more than four people in one month, not consideration whether those people are just by passers or boy/girl friends, but the same people have a nerve of judging somebody who is a sex worker. How different is a person who sleeps with three people in a week just for the fun of it to a person who sleeps with the same number of people just to make a living and earn means of survival? People, is this about money or is this about sexual morality and respecting one's body which is God's gift and temple? Then if it is about morality and self respect, then these two categories are no different from each other. And actually when looked from an economic and intellectual perspective, the one which does it for money is even better because he/she at least gains something out of it to try and make some aspect of their life better. These people (sex workers) can also be seen as better-off because they show some sense and they do something risky for a reasonable reason than some one who does the same act for free of charge and just for fun. It’s an economic principle guys- The cost- benefit analysis works here. The one who sleeps around for money is at least saying I am worth something, they at least attach some value to there bodies, though it is being undervalued. This is better than someone who sleeps around just as most of the people do just for mahhala, treating themselves as valueless, allowing anybody to violate their body anyhow at no cost. Hear me very well, I am not supporting prostitution in anyway, but I am against people who judge others and to find that they do the same thing indirectly and even worse off, because they gain nothing from it. So if you know that you have more than one sexual partner, I would suggest that you don’t even begin judging prostitutes, because you are no better than them and in fact you are even worse than them. They are better, both morally and economically speaking.No hard feelings about, just an expression of thoughts.Mojah, Fikzozo( Fika)

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