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Campus Highlights.



Tuesday, August 21, 2007

Chaos leads to Youth League AGM adjournment

Osama ka Sethenjwa Dumakude reports

The atmosphere was exuberant in the Annual General Meeting of the African National Congress Youth League (ANCYL) which was in Council Chamber in DSLT yesterday. “Members” were chanting the hymns of struggle whose lyrics revealed how high the spirits were . Among the prominent figures were Gugu from the Provincial Executive Council, Kwazi Mshengu, the Chairperson of ANCYL and Sammy Mashite.
The media was not allowed as it was a closed session but I was assured that I will get the briefing from those who were there. Thanks to my journalistic acumen I got the story first-hand.
The meeting was adjourned owing to the chaos that was caused by the people who wished to be in the meeting without valid ANCYL membership.

Those who wanted to enter were claiming to have renewed their membership but were dinied acces because their names did not appear on the District and local list.. I was told that there were two camps: the one that supported the election of Mr A* for chairpersonship and the other which supported the election of Mr B*.. Wob-Inside possesses the leaflet which was handed secretly to members by those of Mr A’s camp in which they were delineating the list of the committee.Wob-inside is have all insightful facts surrounding the matter but they are seeking the legal advice as to whether to reveal them or not. So keep checking as the story unfolds.


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