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Campus Highlights.



Tuesday, August 21, 2007

Face 2 Face with Lindo " Skhaftin" Zamisa

Which team did you grow up supporting?
I supported Pirates and I am still supporting them

When did you start playing soccer?
I started playing soccer recreationally when I was about 6 but I started to play seriously when I was in Grade 10

Tell us about your signing for Maritzburg United.

There is nothing much I can say as everything happened unexpectedly. They called me to the preseason training and two my amazement they offered a contract which I could not deny after two weeks and I was so elated.

What is it like playing along Musasa, Pule and other professional players?

I feel great and I couldn’t believe my eyes. Every moment in United is enjoyable.

What are your most notable footballing highlights?

The greatest of them all is when I was selected for the national team last year and representing varsity in Eastern Cape last year and more importantly being offered a contract by Maritzburg United.

Is it easy to strike a balance between soccer and schooling?

No. It’s not easy but I am trying by all means to do well in both.


Can you tell us what kind of a person are you?
I am playful and easygoing chap and I don’t take life very seriously.

If you could live anywhere in the world, where would it be?
Durban is the place to be

What do you think of the G-strings?
I like it only when worn by my girlfriend.


PMB or Mooi River where you hail from?

Mooi River



Checkers or Woolworths?




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