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Campus Highlights.



Sunday, August 19, 2007


Thamiology : Chapter 1
Title of poem:When I see you:
Author: Thami T. Mncwabe (Wobite).

When I see you everything becomes invisible.
In the dark I see u as the light.
The mere sight of you is enough to set my heart pounding.
Pounding so deep, I feel so weak, you get me mesmerized
Before I realize it damn, I’m back to square one.
Why do I feel so deep?
So deep in love yet so weak.

Tell me is it fate that I’ll never see the light of day
When no more will I stand in a shadow, a shadow of
What I could have owned.
I feel so alone. If I can’t have you I’ve rather be alone.
To make things clear I don’t want this passion to turn into an Obsession.
Call me old fashioned but this ain’t no game that I’m playin’

If you were a boat I could never go off board.
I’ll just thank God for every minuet I’m with you.
If you were a disease I’d rather be a deceased.
I accept defeat you’ve swept me out off my feet.

It came so heavy on me a body so heavenly.
Clearly you do not need a surgery. Please get me out of this misery.
You’re the piece of perfection, but that is not just my version.
Definitely you’re more beautiful than the river Nile.
Nice isn’t the word to describe your anatomy.
You are the testimony of what every girl should look like.
Hey, I even did Psychology just to see your beautiful smile.
I just wish I could see you each and everyday… even on holidays.

You are my mission you can never go out of season.
A can’t find a better reason for living.
I’m not teasing; I’m merely praising what I see as enticing.
You are not just a pretty face. I’d like to take you out on a date. Funny, beautiful and smart two, I’m charmed.

When I see you my heart skips not one but, two bits.
If I’m lead by your hand,
I can even go to another land like Swaziland
With nothing planned, that what I would attempt.
But in reality we can never be. WHY…?
You are way out of my league.

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