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Campus Highlights.



Tuesday, August 21, 2007


GrantAchatz, JamesBarber, Boulanger,Julia Child ,En-Ming Hsu, the list is endless. They are all world rewoned chefs for their splendid quisines but they are way behind us, us meaning Wobites and Petries. I was not aware that the guys posses such a culinary creativity. I cannot leave Petrie`s artistry unmentioned. Their dishes were superb. Are you confused of what I am talking about? Listen, let me narrate.

The cooking competition was 'timingly' scheduled on the Women`s Day. The event marked the strengthening of the ties between WOB and Petrie.It was a joint initiative by House Comms of respective houses and sponsored by the office of Res Life Offecer Mr Mjabuliseni Ngidi. It was not only about who could prepare a tastier dish but the affordability and healthiness were taken into consideration. They were five groups varying in numerical composition. The dish that impressed me was the one which according to most people was the worst. That one was prepared by Mbona ,Mthobeni,Coka,Sizwe and their group leader Ntshebe.It was so simple , they just prepared macaroni and fish. In there you find the rare nutrients and at the same time it is cost-effective and saves time and your talent.
Its difficult to comment on Petrie`s 'Fusion cuisine' that combined elements of various culinary traditions while not fitting specifically into any. But the 'non-belongingness' of their foods is what made it[ food] tick. I don`t know if its fair to have men competing with women in food making because women spent fortunes of their time there. But they say good chefs are men.
The winners in ascending order are: Sindi, Buyi, Samke & Zami group. Second were Thando`s and Zaba`s team and first were Magugu`s and Py`s team.
Special thanks to all who made the event successful. Gcaba Nkululeko`s and L`Vovo`s name can never be left unmentioned for lending us their camera`s. Guys your philanthropic gestures will never be forgotten.

Osama ka Sethenjwa Dumakude

For more pictures click . http://ziyenzeka.blogspot.com/

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