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Campus Highlights.



Thursday, September 13, 2007

A response to Chessa's e-mail- UNEDITED

This person responded on condition of anonymity.These are not Campus Highlights' views

The point of order by comrade chessa is ununderstandable as far as I understand there is room for individual candidates, I think that his point of order is an example of what has been the debate for many years. of confusing campus politics with that I would like to call 'external politics' as a politician in the making I think he would realize that he is working backwards.my understanding of the call was that it was open to everyone including individual candidates,he engages in discussions about the 'ANC' and 'comrades'' Umrabulo 11 of 1996 ' and what not, so who cares we just want to see manifestos if they are ready The call was not made to the ANC in particular but to anyone who might be interested and who might have students interests at heart by working in advance and making ready their manifesto. what Mr Samson 'chessa' Zondi is failing to do is coming into grasp with the fact that when there are talks about manifestos it is not exclusively ANC documents, but manifestos in general that I am sure as he is being groomed in the political 'pot' he is more than capable of understanding. I find the justification of his mail absurd he says 'Therefore it follows that whoever has been nominated can not just draft thus publish his/her manifesto before the organisation gives them leeway' the call was for manifestos not about the procedures of which ever organization. what if there are organizations and individuals without problems and who actually have their manifestos ready. thus Osama if there are competent people who happen to have their manifestos ready publish them? Chessa in all probabilities is bringing 'his' organization into disrepute by all means in my view and starting to show signs of dictatorship cause cause Iam sure as a political student in the pot he knows of something called democracy

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