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Campus Highlights.



Wednesday, September 12, 2007


Gentlemen and Ladies Campus Highlights is introducing the brand new series called Campus Snaparazzi. In this series, Campus Highlights will snap the pics of everybody who does something wrong on campus.This series is kind of open source journalism because ordinary people can submitt their photos and videos for publishing. Snaparazzis' crew is interested in people who get drunk in public, those guys who urinate against the walls, chicks with no underwears on or wearing G-strings. We are also interested in snapping people who are wearing uncommon outfits.Above is our first victims.Readers will get a chance vote for the pic that they think is unsurpassed. So I warn you don't get caught because our team is on the look out.


Anonymous said...

dude this is like so funny, can't wait to see more.

Anonymous said...

You can shoot your own photo and send em to us in the e-mail at the bottom of the page.
