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Campus Highlights.



Sunday, September 30, 2007

"What is Beauty" Competion

We talk a lot about "African beauty", but what does that term signifies? Dark skin, short virgin hair, big flat nose, big lips, full figure, big hips and backside – is this the true version of an African beauty? If you straighten your hair, put on hair extensions, embarrassed by your flat nose, big lips and big butt – does that mean you're not proud of your African beauty? Tell me what is African beauty.

Is it true that in this day and age we all subscribe to the popular concept of beauty that condemns plump, dark-skinned women? The recent Nokia Face of Africa pageant raised these important questions about African beauty. Face of Africa judge and TRUE LOVE editor Busi Mahlaba had this to say: "There's no beauty like African beauty - our skin tones, our figures and our shapes are distinct and unique in all of the world!" Busi believes African beauty is about the pride and dignity with which we wear our African identity on a daily basis by celebrating our shape, enhancing those features unique to us (such as our small waists and wider hips). She adds: "African beauty is reflecting who you are outwardly; it's embracing our cultures and traditions, and honouring them." She also maintains it's about being able to straddle the dual roles we women in Africa face today, expressing our traditional values and heritage while living and working in a totally Western world. One way of doing this is by introducing elements of our culture into the way we dress (such as combining a suit with a headgear of African beads).

I, myself cannot define beauty but Iam sure I know what beauty is. I can tell the difference between a picture perfect and a non-picture perfect person. Through Campus Highlights Iam giving you a chance to submit a picture of a person you think she/he is a classical definition of beauty, I mean breathtakingly beautiful .I will then create a slide show with your pictures. You can even submitt a picture of yourself if you think you are "drop-dead gorgeous". Our panel of judges will judge which picture they think represents the concept of beauty.Don't forget to mention your name and you contact details as the best picture will win a secret prize. Closing date for the competion is 15 October 2007.Even the females can send the pictures of the males they think are handsome. Winners will be anounced in this website.

Send your pics to this email

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