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Campus Highlights.



Tuesday, September 11, 2007


Phones rang across the United States and the rest of the world on this day in 2001, “Turn on the TV!” It was 8:48 a.m. Eastern Daylight Time. A passenger jet had just crashed into the North Tower of the World Trade Center in New York City. Flames and smoke billowed from the tower. It was now 9:06. This was no accident. Another plane just hit the World Trade Center's South Tower. New York was under attack and this time it wasn’t King Kong. This was real.
News bulletins came fast and furious. These were passenger jets, fully fueled: American Airlines Flight 11 from Boston on its way to LA with 92 people aboard and United Flight 175, same itinerary, with 65 onboard. More news bulletins: 9:43 a.m. The Pentagon had just been hit by another jet airliner, American Flight 77 leaving Washington for Los Angeles with 64 people aboard. In the next 12 minutes, the South Tower of the World Trade Center collapsed. Sirens screamed. People were running, screaming, jumping out of the towers. Then the North Tower crumbled like a deck of cards. Gray, choking clouds filled the streets of New York City’s lower West end, covering people, cars and buildings with debris, fireballs of airplane fuel, desks, computers, paper, and ash. More news bulletins: Nineteen minutes before the North Tower collapsed, a fourth jet airliner, United Flight 93 with 44 people aboard, on its way to San Francisco from Newark had crashed in a field in Shanksville, PA, some 80 miles southeast of Pittsburgh


1.It was flight # 11
2. There were 92 people aboard which is 9+2=11
3. 65 onboard. 6+5=11

By Osama Dumakude

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