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Campus Highlights.



Wednesday, August 22, 2007


On Thursday Campus Highlights was afforded an interview with the President of the SRC Kwazikwakhe Mshengu. Osama ka Sethenjwa Dumakude conducts it...

Before we begin tell us a bit about Kwazi Mshengu
Kwazi is traditionalist boy who hails from the rural area of empofane( Mooi River). He is a traditionalist to the core.

When did your involvement in politics begin?
It all began when I was in Matric where I was a member of the youth league and I was in Learners Representative Council.

What are your most notable political highlights?
They are not so many. I have been a Deputy President of the SRC twice and Now I am a President of the SRC and ANCYL chairman.

Where do you see yourself in 4-5 years in politics?
I will continue working for ANC and if people feel that I am eligible for being a leader then nothing will stop me from leading.

Are politicians born or trained?
I believe that politicians evolve within the struggle. Being a political leader is not hereditary.

Why was the recent AGM dismissed?
There were “members” who wanted to get access to the assembly room but they had not followed proper procedures- that is renewing their membership on time and in a proper manner. What they did was that they filled in the forms on Monday of the AGM week and paid in the bank. In order for their applications to be approved they( applications) had to be handed to the province but unfortunately we don’t have provincial bracnh but what we have is the task team.
Meet us as we reveal the secretes.

What image does that portray about ANC?
Well! To the outsider it portrays a bad image. But to a person like me and any other political illiterate person its not a big issue because what happened is a nature of politics. .

We heard about antagonistic camps within ANCYL. Are you aware of any?
No, there is no antagonism within the structure. At ANC we debate issues and people are allowed to have their own views on who should lead. There has been some rumours about me being a drunkard and corrupt. with Mambush.

Are we going to see Kwazi contesting for ANCYL chairmanship for the second time?

If people feel I have to too, then I will have to.

Campus Highlights is in possession of the recommended list of the people who should be voted and you were no there. Has it come to your consciousness?

I have seen it and I also saw the one recommending me. So there are mixed feeling as to who should lead.


Do you play any sport?
Yes yes yes I do. I am soccer `Genera'. I am playing for EzikaMsholozi. Our slogan is “Siyaya eLimpompo”( Limpompo here we come)

Politicians are said to be dumb people, do you go to movies and what is the latest movie you have watched.

I don’t go to movies but recently I watched Mshefane and Mr Bean. I like these comedies.

If you were not a Politian what would you be?
I can’t imagine myself out of politics

Nandos or KFC?
You know Iam a peasant. I just buy what I afford at that time I need it.

You guys accused NUX of dragging Rev Ngomane’s name on the mud and you went on to say it must cease to exist. Do you think its right to have a campus where there is no organisation which serves as a political watchdog?

We don’t have a problem with the essence of the paper. Our interest lies on all campuses. What we were arguing is that we cant`t have R80 000 being injected on one campus- that is NUX must be a university wide paper. In Westville we had Dome and it collapsed due to financial problems. In Edgewood they don’t have even one. We were saying that NUX must cease to exist on that ground. It was just a coincidence that we said that when they had published those things about Ngomane Obviously it will change name as it operate in all campuses. We do believe in freedom of expression and the institutions that uphold its notion.

What do you think about the sacking of Nozizwe Madlala Routledge?
I think it was a mistake on Comrade Mbeki’s side. We had Phumzile Mlambo Ngcuka who spends millions on a personal trip. But Nozizwe was sacked for R160 000.

They say ANCYL and Sasco is the same thing?

No, no they are not the same. Sasco is limited to students and ANCYL is for everybody aged between 14 and 35. Even if one is not a student she/he can remain ANCYL.

That puts us to end of our interview.Thanks Kwazi for your time with us.

Thank you.

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