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Campus Highlights.



Friday, October 26, 2007

Being Gay On Campus

By Osama Ka Sethenjwa Dumakude
Socrates, Philosopher; Sir Elton Jones, Rock Star; Frederick the Great, King of Prussia; Barney Frank, U.S. Congressman; George Michael, musician, Someone you know ,Someone you work with, Someone you care about, Someone you respect, Someone you love, the list of gay eminent people is endless.
South Africa's post-apartheid constitution enshrines gay and lesbian rights through statutes on equality which ban discrimination on the grounds of sexual orientation, as well as race and gender. That follows a tumult over the gay and lesbian rights. I am quite sure that there is someone you respect or attend Ethics or Biology lecture with who is gay or lesbian. The credit for new innovations should go to those people who have secured a place for all homosexual people in the new South Africa. Through dedication, hard work, and sheer drive they have been instrumental in shaping the new law modification governing the practice of homosexuality, gays place in the work force and their civil rights. The BIG question is how we, as students, treat our fellow students who are homosexual. Are they what they are by choice or by nature? What is our perception towards them and what is their perception towards us?
Whatever the cause of homosexuality may be but the purpose of this article is mainly to tell everybody to feel free to disclose their beliefs, sexual orientation and their political inclination that they think they best articulate and represent their ideas and needs. Fortunate enough this campus boasts so many organizations which serve as a platform for students to voice their concerns.
Everybody has been to high school level and there were times when he/she was protesting for his/her freedom in silence. University is a place where each of you must try to discover thyself. It is a place where one should try to create her/ his own sense of identity. Whether you are what you are by either choice or nature but be proud of yourself. Yes, human beings have innate degree of conformity, but you must not sacrifice what satisfies your desires in the name of conformity. Try not to confuse your freedom and responsibility. Be what you are as long as it is self-regarding.
There might be stigma attached to being gay or lesbian but persist on leading your homosexual life so that people will see that there is nothing wrong with what you are.
In conclusion, let it be clear to everybody that this article was written to shed some light to the much-debated topic of homosexuality, not to provoke the homosexuals. They are more than welcomed to respond this article

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