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Campus Highlights.



Tuesday, October 16, 2007

Tutoring Project Ball A Disaster- A Diary post by a member

In this world there are those things you really can’t classify or give a name. This years’ Tutoring project ball was on one of those event haunted by unique and rare scenes that you read about in novels and action movies. ‘It was really insane and most embarrassing scenes I have ever experienced in the days of my life’, said one of the guest that attended the meeting.

The function was held on Saturday in Durban??????(I can’t remember because I was too hungry to memorise anything)Apparently the hotel was not booked, it seemed as if there was miscommunication within the hotel taking so many people to a blank spot? Probably the excitement of being in power is the answer to my question.

The guests arrived in Durban and they had to wait outside the hotel for about one and a half hour before it came to the executive cognizance that the hotel was not booked. The hotel manager was willing to refund the transport costs so that everyone could leave Durban home. The worst thing is that we waited outside the hotel with empty stomachs and no explanation was given. Guess what we ate. The y bought packets of chips from the street vendors. Some of us ate potato chips.

The venue that was booked was not any different from C1 in commerce. The conference finally started after midnight. The guests had to listen to the stale jokes by the exec. Finally we got our first meal of the day at 02:30 AM. At least quarter chicken and rolls put smiles back to people’s faces. The exec came closely to buying the bunny chows (phew) for the guests. The only thing that prevented them from doing so was that abomama abadayisa emgwaqeni base begoqile.

This year TP ball was a huge embarrassment. The TP exec was a big joke. This leaves us with questions. ‘What makes a good organiser and a leader? Does the fact that one went to good school and speaks good English means he/she is a good leader.

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