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Campus Highlights.



Tuesday, October 2, 2007

FOND MEMORIES: I wish I could turn back the hands of time.

Hello all!!My name is Osama Dumakude....Today I feel homesick. I miss the sounds of taxis and trucks. I miss the clack of their wheels and their loud whistles. I remember when the train came every afternoon, and I remember all the pennies we put on the rails. I miss the sound of milk wood carrying trolley. The woodman came in the morning and replaced empty crates with full ones. He had a metal carrying case, and the irons of the trolley clinked together when he walked. He wore a uniform and drove a big black trolley with a giant red logo on the side written”wOods for saLe. We couldn’t read that because we had never been to school even our older sisters could not. We used to wait on the steps to say ‘sawbona malume’.I miss the man who drove down the ice cream selling kombi. . He'd come down my street and shout to announce his arrival. We would cry out loud begging our mothers to buy us ice cream and candy. I remember the guy who was whetting the knifes and axes. Mothers would bring their knives and scissors then chat while they waited in line. The cart had a whetstone, and the man pedaled to keep it moving.
I miss the dusty streets of my home town. I (ironic) miss those old bullies who used to ask 50 cents everyday at school. I do miss those bullies
who would ask me to fight my friend. I remember one day refusing because I did not know how to fight a friend. I miss the swing bridge which led us to the store across the river. I remember one day crying because my mother was disallowing me to follow my old sisters.

I miss those plastic balls I could make for 15 aside soccer games which could last the whole day. We did not have clocks, so the half time was after two goals and the game was finished when the fourth goal was scored. I remember myself breaking Aunt Diana’s window with the ball. I do remember stealing the bottles to sell them to get money to pay for watching TV. I grew up a bit- I was in Standard five when I was almost bitten to death for telling my classmate that I liked her. I remember tucking that love letter to Dudus mathematics book. I remember my first kiss with Dudu. I remember my favourite books Benny and Betty; Plain Sailing; Modern Graded English Book;IsiZulu Soqobo; Comfort Herself and many others

Memories of matric dance are still lingering in my mind. I remember the girl I shared the table with (sadly he died of AIDS). I remember my friend Siyanda (studies in Howard). I remember my friends’ ex-girlfriend Ntombi (now married to pastor with 3 kids). I don’t know where is the guy who used to tease for getting zero mark in mathematics test. I miss hoarse Mam Gwamandas’ voice. I was told she is now a principal.

All of this is funny but it made life more fun and a whole lot more colorful
I wish I could turn back the hand time.

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