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Campus Highlights.



Friday, October 12, 2007


By: Siyabonga ‘Kotini’ Nene, YCL Umgungundlovu District Secretary, ANCYL member, SASCO member

The environment in which we are located is extremely polluted, contaminated and diluted, and unfortunately it is therefore cumbersome to divorce ourselves from such. This get expression through people portraying themselves as mouthpiece of students. Others, off course driven by higher level of paranoia, extremely low level of sanity, power hunger, bankruptcy of intelligence, political thirst, absence of clarity and intellectual emptism, they went as far as saying students are tired of Progressive Youth Alliance (PYA) which in this campus is comprised of African National Congress Youth League (ANCYL), South African Student Congress (SASCO) and Young Communist League (YCL). These pseudo political analysts or pseudo political experts would create this false and non-existent picture that PYA and its components have outlived its usefulness and it has also become distasteful and irrelevant to students, when they speak you might think they have conducted a scientific research. And these individuals have this rotten and infantile tendency of closing a room for either interrogation or debate which makes it difficult for anyone who may want to engage them. When such view is put on authenticity test through democratic process (SRC election), students vehemently and fundamentally distanced themselves from that. As we struggle to propel society into a new stage of free education we will continue to articulate more clearly the continuing historical basis of the PYA, the shared objectives of its component organizations, its shared obligations of the students, and its common program to achieve the objectives of the national democratic revolution. ..........Continues


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