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Campus Highlights.



Tuesday, October 16, 2007


By Mthobisi Mbotho[Senior Tutor History Department]

As much as I agree that the Tutoring Project Ball went wrong we should not criticise our executive or leaders, as the loopholes and failure of the Ball was a mistake of the hotel employee who did not reserve the place for the TP members and their partners.

Our executive follow the proper channels of booking and paying on time the fees which were recommended by the Tropicana hotel management. We should not use the campus highlights as a platform of misleading the student of the UKZN, but to use it as a way of building ourselves and acknowledge the handwork which has been done by our executive to make an alternative as we did get another venue by the assistance of Ndumiso Mkhize. Asingabini amavezandlebe asibuzeni uma singazi, since some of us does not used his or her sense of hearing or his sense of hearing is impaired as we were told by the T.P EXECUTIVE and the invited guest including our very own UKZN ALUMNI NDUMISO MKHIZE that the criticism must go to the Tropicana hotel for their immaturity, of not reserving the venue for us.

The issue of T.P Members pushing the bus is not a matter of concern since we should understand that the Marine parade area is the busiest place in Durban there are no parking for large vehicles. The area which was a free space unfortunately was full of sand covered by grass which make difficult for a bus driver to recognise that it was not suitable for parking.


Mr Mbotho, Thank you for shedding some light in this issue. However your account leaves our readers with plethora of unanswered asks. Campus Highlights understands that it is the duty of every member to protect an image of an organisation he/she belongs, but that does not necessarily mean that one has to protect it at all times.

As much as we should blame the hotel owners, TP executive is not immune to blame. Did they confirm that they were coming at least a day before. I know that payment implies confirming but any reasonable person would have phoned a hotel and asked if everything is according to plans. Campus Highlights do applauds the TP executive for securing the alternative venue, but the question that lingers on is that why did all the mess happened in the first place. I understand your explanation of why you were forced to push the bus, but I was told that the bus was not up to scratch. We at Campus Highlights like to publish the stories that builds- to prove that- We did not tell our readers that there were some beatings because we don't like to worsen the tension. Mr Mbotho we can you deny the allegations that a particular tutor slapped an exec member?

Mr Mbotho have a lot to reveal.

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